My mood diary 12. --The stop accelerates again.In fact, the rest is the walk long-term road.The rest, is the moderate rest, lets the 花店mentality is clearer.Sometimes the human needs to wait for that only somewhat stops, wants a better skill.We will deal with the issue to 關鍵字bump into the difficulty frequently, Stops down the ponder, goes to want a better method,Perhaps such matter will complete.The stop does 網站優化not represent gives up, not representing loses, is representative lets the human learn the province to think, studies comes one time again, 搜尋行銷Only then knows the acceleration.

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領隊導遊寫實打油詩超貼切的領隊導遊打油詩 分類:轉貼文章 勵志心情很適合跟想進入這一行或是已經上線的前輩們分享: 一把鼻涕一把眼淚  投身旅遊英雄無畏 西裝革支票借款履貌似高貴 其實生活極其乏味 為了生計吃苦受累 鞍前馬後終日疲憊 為了遊客幾乎陪睡 點頭哈腰就差下跪 日不能息夜不能寐 客人一叫立馬到位  豆大點事不支票貼現敢得罪 一年到頭不離崗位 勞動法規通通作廢  身心交瘁無處發洩 逢年過節家人難會 追討債款讓人崩潰 開發客戶經常喝醉 工資不高還裝高貴 不傷感情只好傷汽車借款胃 拉攏行銷經常破費 五毒俱全就差報廢 稍不留神就得犯罪 拋家棄子愧對長輩 身在其中方知其味 不敢奢望社會地位 全靠傻傻自我陶醉! 向全國戰鬥過或是和我一樣汽車貸款正在戰鬥的旅遊菁英致以崇高的 問候! 

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